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Three Stones is committed to using gender-sensitive social behavior communication change (SBCC) interventions to disrupt the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition and help address the dual burden of under and over nutrition. Our approach is pragmatic and contextual-based incorporating cross-sector experience in health, nutrition, WASH, gender, and social inclusion with program evaluation/research. 


Undernutrition during pregnancy has detrimental effects on the next several generations, leading to sub optimal infant nutrition, poor health and higher risk of diseases later in life. This intergenerational cycle of undernutrition determines maternal nutrition status at conception, perpetuating low birth-weight and attributing to a negative cyclical pattern. Thus, Three Stones works to develop interventions aimed at improving women’s nutrition and health throughout the life cycle with optimal food intake and micronutrient status in order to break this cycle. 


Interventions based on a life-course approach, targeting the health of adolescent girls, can have the largest impact on improved birth outcomes and breaking the inter-generational cycle of undernutrition.  Therefore, Three Stones aims at improving nutrition of women and girls, preventing teenage pregnancies, supporting adequate spacing of pregnancies and improving access to health and obstetric care. We do this not only via our research and SBCC interventions but also from actively participating in the national dialogue and supporting Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) movement. For example, we actively participate in the nutrition and early childhood development technical working groups and have regular engagement with Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion. 

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